Stories from the set

Welcome to "Stories from the Set," where we peel back the curtain to share the fascinating, behind-the-scenes stories of what it takes to make our productions a reality. From the initial sparks of creativity to the finishing touches in the editing suite, join us as we dive deep into the creative process, challenges, and triumphs of making content that motivates audiences.

Expect updates on our latest films, and the valuable lessons we've learned along the way. This blog is not just about our journey; it's a celebration of the art of video production, designed to inspire and inform both seasoned professionals and newcomers alike. Stay tuned for stories that entertain, enlighten, and elevate.

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Welcome to Mainspring Agency

Formed through the merger of Ben Hemmings Media and Mainspring Media, Mainspring Agency combines the benefits of both a creative agency and a production company.

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Why pre-production is the most important phase of production

We're deep diving into how we produced Salted Earth, specifically the pre-production, to show you how days invested in planning can save you weeks in post-production.

Need more than one video? Learn about 
Platinum Production Pass, our exclusive subscription service.

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