University of Delaware



The Challenge:

How can we educate the public about our research into how rising

sea-levels are causing farms and forests to die?

The Client:

University of Delaware (USA)

Our Role:

Production company

Our Solution:

"Salted Earth"

We decided on incorporating elements storytelling rather than creating a 'corporate' style piece about the science, creating main characters and shooting documentary scenes that demonstrate the real humans both studying this phenomenon, and are affected by it.

We interviewed leading scientists on the project studying the changes, as well as local Indigenous leaders, communities adapting to sea level rise, and other scientists and community members who are noticing the change.

The Results:

The 20 minute documentary has been a resounding success. From dozens of screenings across the world, to 15 film festival wins and selections. The film has been recognized for its innovative approach to science storytelling.

Director Ben Hemmings has been invited to speak at events across the US about the film and subject matter.

Some highlights: 

​- Two screening with panel discussions at the highly regarded "Wild and Scenic Film Festival" (CA, 2024)

​- Winner (cinematography) at "New York Science Film Festival" (NY, 2023)

​- Honourable Mention at "Montreal Independent Film Festival" (QC, 2023)

The client is extremely happy with the film and its impact and a future project has been commissioned.

Services Provided

Animation, Cinematography, Colour Grading, Creative Development, Directing, Drone Cinematography, Editing, Post-Production, Sound Recording

University, Documentary

$10,000 to $49,999

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