Hôpital Montfort

 Corporate Video


The Challenge:

How do we educate the public about the services provided at the new healthcare centre?

The Client:

Hôpital Montfort (Ontario, Canada)

Our Role:

Production company

Our Solution:

We worked with the marketing team at Montfort to develop a video that included scripted elements, interview elements, and demonstrated the range of services and facilities available at the new healthcare centre.

The video was produced bilingually, providing captions in English and French, and was filmed on location at the Carrefour Santé D'Orléans in Orleans, Ontario.

The Results:

A 12 minute video was produced and distributed through the hospital's social channels, and was picked up by local media agencies and news organizations to disseminate the message to the community.

The video was also used to inform funding partners about the successful completion of the 10-year project, celebrating the opening of the centre after many years work.

Services Provided

Bilingual (English and French), Cinematography, Creative & scripting, Directing, Editing, Sound Recording

Corporate, Healthcare

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Town of Perth

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